
Liverpool Hospital Emergency Department

Please take advantage of these interesting and useful PodCasts to refine your medical education.
Created by our very own Dr Samuel Bulford.

“A Podcast made here at Livo ED where I, along with guest contributors, discuss a topic, theme or case of interest in the hope to broaden our understanding of pathology, treatment or the art of working within the unique ED environment. Suitable for all medical, nursing and auxiliary staff”

Developed in house at Liverpool Emergency Department. The FECK group of revision aids are targeted at guiding a candidates revision whilst highlighting exam techniques and high value knowledge.


Join us on the FeckIt – Let’s Revise PodCast to gain valuable insight into the ACEM Fellowship exam.



Medical education can come from many sources and it is important to take advantage of the most up to date knowledge.

Below we have created a selection of some of the most useful and interesting Podcasts relating to Emergency Medicine and Critical Care from among some of the most distinguished practitioners in the Emergency Medicine Field.

Topics range from managing ciritically ill patients, medication use, the latest medical updates and also extends to review of the latest medical research and papers.

Emergency Medicine Reviews and Perspectives is a monthly audio series for Emergency Medical practitioners. Born in September 2001, it now is heard by over 20,000 subscribers every month and is the #1 audio program in emergency medicine.

EM:RAP features a world-class faculty from around the globe, presenting a range of EM topics in a tightly edited audio format. Emphasis is added through the lectures by our internationally acclaimed hosts Anand Swaminathan and Mel Herbert.

The Resus Room is a Free Open Access Medical Education site, FOAMed. The content centres around care of patients in and around The Resus Room,

At its heart TheResusRoom is a podcast based site which can either be accessed by the webpage or via iTunes here. At least twice a month we will bring you podcasts on a variety of Emergency Medicine topics that you’ll use every day in and around the resus room, centered around evidenced based medicine and with reference to national and international guidelines.

Each month we’ll also highlight the papers that have caught our eye in our paper round ups.

A podcast for those who have to satisfy their ADHD studying needs, the CRACK in CRACKCast is for Core Rosen’s and Clinical Knowledge. This is a podcast that truly gets down to the basics by covering each and every chapter of Rosen’s Emergency Medicine – in order. New episodes are published weekly on Mondays and Thursdays.
A resuscitation podcast discussing all things EMS, emergency medicine and critical care
“As an Emergency Medicine podcast, we review critical topics relevant to Emergency Medicine – from core content subjects to critical literature appraisals and essential COVID-19 updates.”

Created by Dr Jeremy Faust and Assisstant Professor Lauren Westafer

Core EM is dedicated to bringing Emergency Providers all things core content Emergency Medicine. In the true spirit of Emergency Medicine our content is available to anyone, anywhere, anytime.